Author Archives: glawadmin-EN
This is a sequel to our article titled “Housing Developers Breathe a Sigh of Relief – The Alvin Leong Saga”. Click here to read more.
Our Foo Joon Liang and Carissa How explain why it is important to make a firm choice – whether or not to arbitrate. Introduction Whether or not to arbitrate is a common question. Those in favour of arbitration find that there is less rigidity to the overall process of dispute resolution, where party autonomy reigns,…
The new Patents (Amendment) Act 2022 came into force on 18.3.2022. The changes of which brings Malaysia more in line with current international patent treaties. Sit tight as our Alex Choo and Matthew Ho illuminate on the various changes to the patent landscape. Click here to read the article.
Our Foo Joon Liang and Benjamin Kho explore whether Section 7 of the Covid 19 Act shields construction industry players in their contractual dealings with the government amid the covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 Act(1) continues to raise riveting legal issues in the Malaysian courts. In SN Akmida Holdings Sdn Bhd v Kerajaan Malaysia,(2) a Malaysian high court was…
Our Lim Zhi Jian and Matthew Ho discuss who owns the intellectual property rights created by an Artificial Intelligence (AI). Read more here
Our Foo Joon Liang and Tasha Lim Yi Chien explore whether parties are restricted from counterclaiming based on the adjudication decision awarded against them. Introduction It is common for parties to refer their construction disputes to adjudication under the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 (CIPAA). However, in a situation where one half of the…
Our Tan Min Lee and Lee Hui Juan discuss the Federal Court’s decision in Singma Sawmill Co Sdn Bhd v Asian Holdings (Industrialised Buildings) Sdn Bhd. In Tan Sri Dato’ Lim Cheng Pow v Bellajade Sdn Bhd & Another Appeal,(1) the key issue was whether a tenancy for the commercial use of land, where the express condition was…
Our Gan Khong Aik was interviewed by International Employment Lawyer on the issue of forced labour in Malaysia.
We are now recruiting for a highly experienced chief litigation clerk who ideally meet the following requirements: Has been working for a firm of at least 20 lawyers; Has been on supervisory or managerial role for at least 15 years; Must possess knowledge of the Malaysian court procedures from subordinate courts to appellate courts As…