COVID-19 and the Construction Industry – The Expert’s Viewpoint

This webinar seeks to address:

  1. What aspects of a construction project would be affected by COVID-19 or the Movement Control Order (MCO)?
  2. Most standard form contracts would treat the MCO as a delaying event, and provide for an EOT. What happens after the MCO is lifted – is COVID-19 bigger than the MCO?
  3. Could further EOT be justified beyond the MCO, and if so, on what grounds?
  4. Most standard form contracts treat the MCO as a neutral event. Is there a basis for loss & expense?

2 April 2020 | 3 p.m.

Guest Speaker: Rodney Martin Chief Executive, Charlton Martin Group

Speaker: Foo Joon Liang FCIArb Partner, Gan Partnership

For further details, please contact the Knowledge Team at